Paths of Peace has a fleet of over two dozen portable labyrinths that are available for rent. The rental period is for up to one week. Locations outside of the Minneapolis/St. Paul Minnesota Twin Cities area require payment of round trip shipping in addition to the weekly rental fee. Unless otherwise indicated, the rental labyrinths are restricted to indoor use only.
Complete rental charges include the rental fee listed by each labyrinth plus the cost of round-trip shipping. All fees must be pre-paid to secure a rental. Be aware that the labyrinths are large, heavy and of high value, so shipping is expensive and generally costs much more than the rental fee alone.
Shipping costs vary with the labyrinth size/weight and destination.
Complete the CONTACT form (link found at the bottom of this page) providing your shipping address, the dates needed and the preferred labyrinth, so shipping and costs can be calculated.
Rental also requires a signed Rental Agreement. If you decide to rent, an agreement will be prepared to include the specifics of your rental plans and emailed for your signature.
Available Labyrinths
36 foot, 11-circuit medieval style
Rental fee: $150 per week
NOT AVAILABLE outside the Twin Cities area
Green paint on natural canvas, octagonal perimeter, three sections with Velcro ® attachments,
stylized replica of the pavement labyrinth at Chartres Cathedral in France. Indoor use only.
111 lbs in storage container
30 foot, 11-circuit medieval style
Rental fee: $150 per week
NOT AVAILABLE outside the Twin Cities area
Artistically painted on a treated acrylic fabric to replicate the stone labyrinth on the floor of the
cathedral in France, including grout lines and imperfections, octagonal perimeter. Indoor use only.
50 lbs in duffle bag
24 foot, 7-circuit medieval style
Rental fee: $150 per week plus roundtrip shipping if out of the Twin Cities area
Blue paint on natural canvas. While this may be used as a typical path in and out, this unique design
also allows two persons to walk side-by-side on adjacent paths. Indoor use only.
55 lbs in ship container
24 foot, 7-circuit medieval style
Rental fee: $150 per week plus roundtrip shipping if out of the Twin Cities area
Blue paint on natural canvas, octagon perimeter. Indoor use only
55 lbs in ship container
24 foot, 7-circuit medieval style
Rental fee: $150 per week plus roundtrip shipping if out of the Twin Cities area
Purple paint on natural canvas, octagon perimeter. Indoor use only.
55 lbs in ship container
24 foot, 7-circuit medieval style
Rental fee: $150 per week plus roundtrip shipping if out of the Twin Cities area
Lines are made with thousands of tiny white dots painted on dark gray specialty fabric that may be used outdoors, square
perimeter. Designed as a replica of the outdoor labyrinth at the White Bear Center for the Arts in White Bear Lake, MN.
48 lbs in 30 gal. shipping container
dual path circle of peace
22 foot, 7-circuit medieval style with two paths to a shared center beginning at opposite sides
Rental fee: $150 per week plus roundtrip shipping if out of the Twin Cities area
Gold paint on a lightweight beige weatherproof mesh fabric that can be used outdoors, square perimeter, one piece, with D-rings in each corner for securing to the ground. Great for processional pass-through walks and ceremonies where two people
walk separate paths to meet at a shared center.
15 lbs in ship container
20 foot, 7-circuit medieval style
Rental fee: $150 per week plus roundtrip shipping if out of the Twin Cities area
Purple paint on natural canvas, square perimeter, one piece. Indoor use only.
46 lbs in ship container
20 foot, 7-circuit medieval style
Rental fee: $150 per week plus roundtrip shipping if out of the Twin Cities area
Purple paint on natural canvas, square perimeter, one piece. Indoor use only.
40 lbs in ship container
18 foot by 20 foot, 6-circuit Baltic style
Rental fee: $125 per week plus roundtrip shipping if out of the Twin Cities area
Artistic rendering, fuchsia and teal paint on natural canvas, rectangular perimeter.
Baltic pattern has a second alternate entrance/exit path directly to/from the center. Indoor use only.
37 lbs in ship container
WOMAN at the WELL (aka Man-in-the-Maze)
19 foot square
Rental fee: $100 per week plus roundtrip shipping if out of the Twin Cities area
Brown paint on a lightweight canvas drop cloth. This pattern is associated with several
indigenous tribes of the American Southwest and is an adaptation of the 7-circuit classical pattern. Indoor use only.
18 foot, 6-circuit medieval style
Rental fee: $125 per week plus roundtrip shipping if out of the Twin Cities area
White paint on heavy-weight vinyl, octagon perimeter.
May be used outdoors.
44 lbs in ship container
15 foot Circle of Peace, 7-circuit medieval style
Rental fee: $100 per week plus roundtrip shipping if out of the Twin Cities area
Artistic rendition blue-green-purple painted lines to represent stained glass, on lightweight natural canvas, octagon perimeter. Indoor use only.
18 lbs in shipping container
15 foot, 5-circuit medieval style
Rental fee: $100 per week plus roundtrip shipping if out of the Twin Cities area
Artistic rendition of gray tones on natural canvas, square perimeter, replica of pavement labyrinth at Riverside Church in NYC. Indoor use only.
23 lbs in shipping container
15 foot, 5-circuit, dual path classical style
Rental fee: $100 per week plus roundtrip shipping if out of the Twin Cities area
Green paint on natural canvas, with words of the 5-step conflict resolution process painted in the paths. May be used individually or with two persons walking on separate paths to a shared center. Optional conflict resolution process information included. Indoor use only.
22 lbs in ship container
Rental fee: $100 per week plus roundtrip shipping if out of the Twin Cities area
There are two available, one is purple paint on natural canvas and the other (shown) is green and brown paint on natural canvas, square perimeter. Indoor use only.
27 lbs in ship container
15 foot, 5-circuit, dual path labyrinth with separate widened exit path
Rental fee: $100 per week plus roundtrip shipping if out of the Twin Cities area
Multi-colored paint on natural canvas, square perimeter, may be used by two persons walking on
separate paths to the shared center and walking out from the center together. Uses for conflict resolution,
wedding ceremonies, etc. Indoor use only.
NOTE: This labyrinth is double-sided. The reverse side has a slightly different
labyrinth pattern painted in the same colors, but with the entrances opposite the shared exit.
Instructions included.
25 lbs in ship container
14 foot, 7-circuit classical style
Rental fee: $100 per week plus roundtrip shipping if out of the Twin Cities area
Multi-colored vinyl paths with black cording separations, round perimeter.
May be used outdoors.
19 lbs in ship container
12 foot by 14 foot, 4-circuit Baltic style
Rental fee: $50 per week plus roundtrip shipping if out of the Twin Cities area
Artistic rendering, white paint on denim, rectangular perimeter. Baltic pattern has a
second alternate entrance/exit path directly to/from the center. Indoor use only.
This is the oldest labyrinth in the Paths of Peace collection.
12 foot by 14 foot, 7-circuit classical style
Rental fee: $50 per week plus roundtrip shipping if out of the Twin Cities area
Colorful sponge painted paths on natural canvas, rectangle perimeter, rainbow or chakra colors. Indoor use only.
Best used by 1-2 persons at a time.
12 foot by 14 foot, 3-circuit classical style
Rental fee: $50 per week plus roundtrip shipping if out of the Twin Cities area
Artistic painting with greens, brown, yellow colors on textural surface natural canvas. Indoor use only.
Best suited for 1-2 persons at a time.
16 lbs in 10 gal shipping container.
12 foot, 5-circuit medieval style
Rental fee: $50 per week plus roundtrip shipping if out of the Twin Cities area
Two available. Blue (shown) or purple paint on natural canvas, square perimeter. Indoor use only.
Best used by 1-2 persons at a time.
17 lbs in ship container
8 foot, 3-circuit classical style
Rental fee: $50 per week plus roundtrip shipping if out of the Twin Cities area
Blue flower stencil painted on lightweight white canvas, rectangular perimeter. Indoor use only.
Suitable for one person walking at a time.
8 foot, 3-circuit classical style
Rental fee: $50 per week plus roundtrip shipping if out of the Twin Cities area
Artistic green-burgundy-gold sponge painted lines on natural canvas with pale green
paths and purple center with glitter sparkles. Indoor use only.
Suitable for 1-2 persons walking at a time.
8 foot, 3-circuit classical style
Rental fee: $50 per week plus roundtrip shipping if out of the Twin Cities area
Artistic pink paint on natural canvas drop cloth. Indoor use only.
Suitable for 1-2 persons walking at a time.
8 foot, 3-circuit classical style
Rental fee: $50 per week plus roundtrip shipping if out of the Twin Cities area
Artistic green paint on natural canvas depicting an emerging plant. Indoor use only.
Suitable for 1-2 persons walking at a time.